NEFX Marathon Mods by Adminn_1 [NEFX] Thank you for playing NEFX Marathon Modifications. Among these are scripts and physics either for multiplayer, single player, or both. More may be added over time in future versions, so look out. What do these do? "Betrothing to the Forgotten Root of Potentiate" This means you are permanently equipped with only a single pistol with unlimited ammunition and no way to dual-wield. This can make for some very interesting net games as you all learn to make do with what is probably the least-used multiplayer fighting option in Marathon history, even below fists. You will become a better player this way and make laughs along the way. "Bringing All Back to the Raw Cult" This script "flattens" levels into something reminiscent of Wolfenstein 3D (albeit less blocky). Specifically, it makes all floor heights 0, all ceiling heights 1, and all platform heights 0. It also makes all liquids in the level into rapid floors conveyors like you've come to know in NEFX maps. This may render many singleplayer levels unbeatable, mainly due to issues with platforms, but it can make for a new, interesting, and funny multiplayer experience. "Funneled Spatial Remembrance" This kills and taunts you if you try to save, recharge, access a terminal, or activate the automap. This is the real "Adminn_1's Challenge" to help you train for maximum Vidmaster runs! "Global Omnilode Onus - The Wire" This is a multiplayer game mode in which whoever collects the most items wins. Each item you pick up gives you one point. An interesting thing about this is that items tend to respawn en masse after a player dies, meaning it further helps not only to kill others but also yourself! "Play Pretexts to New Awareness" This modifies the fists to drop infinite bouncing bombs that detonate upon settling, modifies grenades to be landmines, and modifies the rocket launcher to fire more explosives in a faster and honing fashion (albeit with one shot per clip). "Realization Through Ensnarement" In tribute to known historical NEFX practice and reference thereof by many Marathon community members, this script-and-physics combo randomly generates columns that block your way in a level. You can easily adjust the number of columns you want (enemy players) to deal with in the script. The columns are actually Tiny Pfhor that were modded to look and behave like columns -- stationary, completely idle, and not damaged by anything. “Spectrallax of Dooming Possibility” This makes all weapons work under liquid as they would above liquid and makes all monsters fly. This is good for net maps taking place mostly or entirely under liquid such as NEFX will later produce, where you can basically have “flying” deathmatches or survivalmatches, and thus helps to expand the combat possibilities of Marathon. “The Full Rounding of Age-Old Collective Drives” Since the pistols and fists don’t really find use in net games most of the time except for self-challenging purposes, this disables both and replaces them with a fusion pistol of unlimited shots (technically 12,241 per the seeming allowed maximum on ShapeFusion, but you’ll surely die before you run out) -- a "starting blaster" if you will, reminiscent of games like Quake II or Unreal I. See how threatening the invinciwimpsi are now! "Victory of Absurdist Balance By Inwardness" This starts you immediately with a never-ending shield charge, and you will die if you reach full triple-bar (purple) shields. This will make for an interesting net game as all players have to preoccupy themselves with finding ways based on their environment, position, equipment, etc, to die the least amount of times by constantly damaging themselves enough (without going too far). Keep in mind that you can still technically kill others, or at least incapacitate them in such a way that they can't damage themselves fast enough to avoid dying. Thanks, -Adminn_1 [NEFX]